Burton Dam and Sewage Control

Purpose: This project will replace two water control structures: The Burton Dam and the Sewage Canal Outflow structure. Burton Dam is a water control structure on the lower Jordan River which supplies water to thousands of acres of freshwater wetlands. In its current state, the Burton Dam is highly dysfunctional. When flows are high, the New State Duck Club is unable to pass water into the Salt Lake Sewage Canal, which has a direct hydrologic linkage to Great Salt Lake.

Benefits: Like all the managed wetland areas around Great Salt Lake, water conveyance infrastructure is paramount to the maintenance and improvement of wetland habitats. We anticipate a minimum of 2,200 acres of emergent wetlands to benefit from replacing the Burton Dam and additional ecosystem benefits from the improved water conveyance to the Farmington Arm of Great Salt Lake.

Timeline: Anticipated completion by May 2025.

Project “Before” Photos